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Economic Impact Payment (EIP) Stimulus

About Recovery Rebate Credit
In the Economic Impact Payment (EIP, commonly known as Stimulus Check), payments began in 2020.
Those who were eligible to receive benefits but were not paid, or who received benefits but did not receive the full amount.
The difference will be deducted using a tax credit called Recovery Rebate Credit on your 2020 tax return.
You can remove it.
Deductible is 1st EIP ($1,200 per person, $500 per dependent child)
and the second EIP, which started being transferred from the end of 2020 ($600 per person. Dependent children also receive the same amount.
Those who can apply for the Recovery Rebate Credit are eligible for the same conditions as the EIP, but in addition to that, the first
Only if you receive less than you should have received in the second EIP.
If you received a small amount of benefits, please send a letter or IRS Notice that was mailed at the same time as the Stimulus Check.
Please bring 1444 when requesting a tax return.

About EIP (Economic Impact Payment)
We have posted excerpts from general questions from the IRS, Economic Impact Payment Information Center.

A.EIP (Economic Impact Payment) Eligibility
1. Am I eligible for EIP?
A. You are eligible to receive EIP if you meet the following conditions:
・Be a U.S. citizen or resident alien
・When filing a joint return, the taxpayer’s spouse is not a dependent of the other taxpayer;
・Obtain a valid social security number (SSN) for employment
Adjusted gross income (AGI) must not exceed:
Married filing jointly $150,000 (MFJ)
Head of household $112,500 (HOH)
Single $75,000
The amount will be reduced by $5 for every $100 in which your AGI exceeds the applicable value listed above.
2. Is the deceased eligible for EIP?
A. No, an EIP to someone who dies before receiving payment must be returned to the IRS.
Joint filers with deceased spouse: Payments to joint filers with a spouse who died before receiving the payment.
Regarding payments, only the deceased’s portion of the payment should be returned.
3.If I am a foreign resident, am I eligible for payment?
A. A person who is a resident alien with a valid SSN for employment is an eligible resident alien in 2020 and is eligible for other tax payments.
Payment will only be made if the person is not considered a dependent of the taxpayer.
4. Are children born in 2020 who are adopted or placed in foster care eligible for the payment?
A.No. 2020 EIP is based solely on information from 2019 or 2018 tax returns
Therefore, the 2020 payment does not include the above children.
5. Am I entitled to an EIP as a U.S. citizen living abroad?
A. Yes, if you are a U.S. citizen living abroad, you may be eligible for a payment. available for employment
If you have a valid SSN, make sure you cannot be claimed as a dependent of another taxpayer.

B.Requesting my EIP
1. I received a letter from the IRS (IRS Notice 1444-A) asking me to claim my EIP by October 15th.
Ta. What should I do?
A. You may be able to claim a Recovery Rebate Credit when you file your 2020 tax return.
(Please check above regarding Recovery Rebate Credit.)
2.I recently filed a tax return. What do I need to do to receive an EIP?
A. If you filed a 2018 or 2019 federal income tax return, you do not need to take any further action.
there is no.

3. I have not filed my 2018 and 2019 federal tax returns because I am not required to do so. unemployment insurance
and does not receive any other federal benefits. What do I need to do to receive an EIP?
A. You may be able to claim the Recovery Rebate Credit when you file your 2020 tax return in 2021.
there is. (Please check above regarding Recovery Rebate Credit.)
4. I have not filed a 2019 tax return, but I have filed a 2018 return and have already received an EIP.
I’m taking it. Will filing a 2019 tax return affect the EIP I receive?
A.No. No impact.
5. If the IRS uses your 2018 tax return and determines that you are not eligible for the payment, your 2019 tax return will be
Will you issue payments in 2020 based on the statement?
A.No. Not eligible for payment on your 2018 tax return before filing your 2019 return
If the IRS determines that the IRS will not issue an EIP in 2020, the IRS will not issue an EIP in 2020.
6. Eligible for higher amount after IRS uses 2018 tax return to determine payment amount
If I file a 2019 tax return, will I issue a difference payment?
A.No. If you did not file a 2019 tax return or your return will be processed at the time of the IRS decision.
If not, the IRS will issue the payment using information from your 2018 tax return.
Ta. However, if you meet the eligibility requirements based on your 2020 tax information,
You may be able to claim a Recovery Rebate Credit when you submit your turn to the IRS.
7. Amend your tax return after the IRS uses your 2019 tax return to determine your payment amount.
If you amend your EIP return to make it correct or eligible for a higher amount, you will not be eligible to pay the difference.
Do you want to pay?
A.No. The IRS will issue a refund after the payment is made or if you are determined to be ineligible.
We do not re-evaluate payment amounts and eligibility.

J: Reconciling on Your 2020 Tax Return
1. When filing in 2021, to claim the Recovery Rebate Credit on your 2020 tax return, you must include it in your EIP.
Do I need to provide any information?
A. Please keep any notifications you receive regarding EIP payments with your 2020 tax records. support
If you did not receive the payment or did not receive the full amount, you can apply for Recovery on your 2020 tax return.
You may be able to claim a Rebate Credit.
2. Are payments included in my gross income?
A. No, payments are not included in gross income. When filing your 2020 federal income tax return
The amount of your tax return will not decrease or increase.
3.I received my EIP. Already received based on information reported on your 2020 tax return
If I am no longer eligible for EIP, do I have to repay all or part of my payment?
A.No. There is no need to repay.

Individual Tax Return 2020


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